English taught Bachelor Programs in :
English taught Master Programs in:
School of Computer Science for Business Management
+4-0766-767126 | [email protected]
Program :EUR 400 accommodation in our on-campus student hostel in a single room (EUR 200 in a double room). The hostel is inside the campus and there are also different meal options available close-by (inside the hostel is a cafeteria, there are 3 other restaurant/cafeterias in a range of 5 minutes-walk from the school).
School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
+4 0372.120.137 | [email protected]
Program :Summer School coordinator: Silvia Tabusca, PhD – Lecturer in International Law and Human Rights Law
e-mail: [email protected]
Program :Students in law, security studies, political sciences, economics, social sciences and other related areas are strongly invited to attend the 10-days Summer School (3 ECTS) in Bucharest, Romania. It is not required to have specific prior knowledge in the field. As an interdisciplinary summer school, all courses will be aimed at beginners in the area. English speaking students who are interested in better understanding cybercrime and cyber-security are welcome to apply before 1 of June 2023.
Fees information :Registration should be done before the 1st of May, by the online form - HERE
+4 0766.767.126 | [email protected]
+4 0372.120.137 | [email protected]
+4 0372.120.128 | [email protected]
+4 0372.120.115 | [email protected]
Lavinia Stănică – Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator [email protected]
1B Expozitiei Blv., Bucharest, District 1, 012101
+4 0372.120.115 / +4 0374.158.115